CVGRC is a member club of the Golden Retriever Club of America and is licensed by the American Kennel Club. Our Members are golden retriever owners, breeders, exhibitors, trainers, and judges. The majority of our members are located in north and central Ohio and suburban Cleveland and Akron areas. While most of our members are located in Ohio, we do have members all over Ohio, Tennessee, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana. Together, we sponsor club activities that range from educational to competitive to down-right fun! CVGRC also publishes a newsletter, sponsors this website, has a Facebook page, and holds bi-monthly membership and board meetings.

Our major events include a Hunt test and regional Specialty (with Greater Pittsburgh Golden Retriever Club) in June, multiple Agility trials per year, and WC/WCX test in the September.  In addition, we hold regular CCAs (Certificate of Conformation Assessment), CGC (Canine Good Citizen) testing, attend Pet Expos, host multiple Health Clinics, hold special seminars, have holiday parties and picnics! We also hosted the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) National Specialty September 1-14th, 2022. 

Next Meeting:

Holiday Dinner! Friday December 6th.

Please check for email from Amy with details! RSVP by November 30th

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to everyone who helped at our agility trial!
From the beautiful Golden Retriever Ribbon winners to our wonderful volunteers and committee you all made thing run smoothly, just like butter!
Thank you to the beautiful facility at Pinnacle Dog Sports in Westlake, OH and their staff for running everything like clockwork! It was incredibly efficient, and we were done each day in a decent time! Yea!
Thank you everyone!
I’m afraid to list everyone individually from shirts to food, to the photographer who donated photos and the ring crews and tables and the raffle basket donations just in case I miss someone, but please know, you all made this very special and exciting for all of us that attended and supported our club. Dog people really are the best!
The group photo and High in Trial and Most Memorable Golden winners will be posted on our website. Note: We were photobombed in the group photo, see if you can tell who it was. 
Congratulations to all these beautiful goldens and their handlers:
Rosmary Janoch & Duncan, HIT Regular and Most Memorable Run, Judges’ choice.
Ramona & Butler-HIT Preferred, Oldest to Qualify.
Megan Sapsford & Mr. Rogers – Youngest to Qualify
We have some exciting plans for 2025 in the sport of CVGRC agility, stay tuned!
I sent off a donation for $215.00 to Samaritan’s Purse for Hurricane Helene from our Raffle baskets. This agency was recommended from long time golden people and NC residents Betsy Smith and Paula Petelle. Thank you everyone!
We raised a nice amount for the club from our agility entries. The check is in the mail to our hard-working treasurer, Tara for processing. Thank you for all you do!
Old friends and new friends were plentiful. The smiles and laughter were contagious! Join us next time if you missed it!
Golden wishes to all and have a Blessed, Peaceful and thankful Thanksgiving and holidays.
Karen Groth
CVGRC Agility Trial Chair










Tyko earned his Obedience Hall of Fame and Spirit earned his CDX title at CABTC November 2-3, 2024

 Christy Thomas